In Okinawa, where intense ground fighting took place at the end of World War II, there are many natural caves called "GAMA". Mitsuo Matsunaga, a peace guide and collector of remains from the Battle of Okinawa, describes how civilians involved in the war sheltered in GAMA. As the fighting on the ground intensified, mass deaths occurred in some GAMA, and in others people tried to communicate with U.S. soldiers, and many lives were saved. The experiences of those who spent their time breathing under their breath are relieved through "Darkness Experiences" woven into the narratives. The blue dressed "Shadow" roams by. The remains of those who died unknown appear before us living today. Traces of time and human activity layered on GAMA shaped by the passage of time were captured on 16mm film.
A storyteller of peace serves as a guide in the GAMA—natural caves where many local people lost their lives during the Battle of Okinawa. The woman in blue standing by his side represents the intersection of the present and the past.