首页 IDF创投 Epic of a Stone
Epic of a Stone
  • 国家Netherlands ,China France ,Greece
  • 语言-
  • 时长80 min
  • 导演Sean WANG
  • 类型Feature-length Documentary
  • 制片人ZHAOJia,WANGZijian

Different from films portraying China as the "world factory", our film attempts to reveal the new era when China plays the role of "world buyer".

After mined in Greece, a marble stone is shipped to China and made into products of Western styles. Most of them will be sold in China, or shipped back to Europe to be sold to Chinese tourists.

The journey of the stone will thread up individual stories in our film. We capture meaningful details of locations and individuals representing diverse social classes and cultural background, i.e. the proud Chinese boss who bought Greek marble mines during financial crisis, the French businessman whose success in China is based on copying European style, kids who grow up in souvenir factory but never go abroad, middle-class couples who dream of weddings in Europe...

Through their stories, we investigate the multi-layered global economic chain driven by Chinese domestic consumption, and reflect on how and why Western cultures are being admired, copied, diverted and consumed by Chinese in the last decades. When now the Chinese economy slows down and US-China tension intensifies, the film captures the coming change of this food chain', to contrast the fate of individuals to the massive economic phenomenon of "Chinanisation".